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Home Selling Strategies to maximize your Home Worth
With the real estate market heating up along with the weather, it's crucial to have a solid strategy in place to maximize your selling potential.

Why May is the Magic Month to Sell Your Home
Why May is the Magic Month to Sell Your Home

Maximizing your Home Selling Potential
The Benefits of Sellng with a VA Loan

How to Raise your Credit Score
Here are the top 5 tips to raising your credit score to ensure you get the best deal on a new home purchase in Cincinnati!

Demystifying Mortgage Interest Rates: What You Need to Know
Guidance on navigating 2023's home buying landscape and the impact of higher interest rates, inflation, and home prices. It’s more of a labyrinth than a maze.

Understanding Cincinnati Realtor Fees

Luxury Real Estate in Blue Ash, Ohio

Cincinnati Real Estate Market Update - June 2023
The Cincinnati real estate continues to twist and turn on a nearly weekly basis with the overall theme still being "overall growth." After putting off moving for the last 3-4 years due to low interest rates and challenging supply, we are finally starting to see move-up buyers entertaining the idea of transitioning to a new home even with the higher rates in place. Read more in the full Cincinnati Market Report.

How did the 2022 Cincinnati Real Estate Market Compare to 2021?

Should You Work with Your Friends or Family when Buying or Selling Your Home?
If you’re considering a friend or family member for any part of your home buying or selling process (loan officer, realtor, inspector, financial advisor, etc.), it’s essential to consider the information in this blog entry first!