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9 Tips for a Stress Free Spring Cleaning
Don’t be judged by your in-laws or friends or potential buyers. Use these tips to make your home the cleanest on the block and on the market.

Beyond Buying & Selling: The Heart Behind TREO Realtors’ Approach
The Heart Behind TREO Realtors’ Approach

Elections & Housing
The Housing Market and Presidential Elections: Trends Over the Last Decade.
6 Trends from Homearama 2024
Homearama 2024! Six major trends that stood out
this year and what you can expect moving forward.

10 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know About The Monkey Bar
In the heart of a bustling Maineville, Ohio lies a hidden gem with an intriguing history. Learn More about the infamous Monkey Bar.

Why May is the Magic Month to Sell Your Home
Why May is the Magic Month to Sell Your Home

Maximizing your Home Selling Potential
The Benefits of Sellng with a VA Loan

What to Expect When You're Walking Through a Home
Touring a home for sale? I have done this many times and would like to share my tips for walking through a property. I’m not an inspector by any means. I do not have a license or certification for inspecting, but I have plenty of experience and some commonsense knowledge that I enjoy passing on to others for their own sake.